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MatterControl 2.22.04 (April, 4, 2022)

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Support For Holes

MatterControl now supports Holes. Holes are an intuitive and powerful way to think about designing parts. They create the ability to mark any object in the scene as a negative space. When a hole is combined with another object it will automatically be subtracted.

The hole object can be dragged to the scene and combined with other objects to make holes

Any object can be converted to a hole and it will be subtracted when grouped

Transparent Rendering

You can now set any part to have transparent rendering to help with modeling and placement.

Fuzzy Surfaces

Select any part in the scene, right click it and and 'Convert to Fuzzy Region' in the Modify -> Printing menu. With this tool you can now create a fuzzy effect on any surfaces you want.

Any object can be converted to a region that defines where fuzzy will be applied

Part Settings Object (PRO Tool)

Now with MatterControl PRO you can create settings for a specific part and save them with it. This is tremendously useful when doing commercial printing or adjusting settings that are specific to a single part. Settings are only saved when using MCX files (MatterControls native format).

Settings added to the scene are saved with the design

Additional Improvements

  • Boolean operations (combining and subtracting shapes) are dramatically more robust and handle many more conditions
  • We now show the output state of Supports, Wipe Towers and Fuzzy objects in property panel

Bug Fixes

  • G-Code generation of long line segments was not applying leveling correctly
  • When switching or adding materials the display did not always update
  • Fixed crash when invalid geometry was added to the scene
  • Repair tools was not honoring 'weld tolerance' correctly